Oldies 97.3

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Current show

Oldies 97.3

1:00 am 8:00 am

Request Page

Welcome to WSWO-LP, FM 97.3 and Streaming Live on the Internet at Daytonoldies.org!

Request Form

Use the Contact form below to request a song (please, only one request per Email).  If a DJ is on the air (vs. our hard working Mr. Automation!), and if the DJ is monitoring the Email account,  the DJ will see your request.

First Name or Full Name. Whatever you are comfortable with.
Let the DJ know where the request is coming from so we can add you to our map on the wall!
Email address so if the DJ has any questions. This information is not kept on file.

Please make sure you can see the “I’m Not A Robot” text box and have checked it before clicking “Submit” or the form will not work. If the box is not there, try reloading this page in your browser. Sometimes it does not load on the first try.

Request Policy (for phone calls and E-Mail):

  1. We only play music from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s and normally the library has only songs that made the top 40 list sometime in that time span.  We do have gaps in our library we are trying to fill.  If we don’t find your song we will add it to the “White Book” for our Program Manager to consider adding to the music library!
  2. We can not play more then 2 songs from the same Artist in an hour.  (This is a restriction imposed by the royalty companies we report to and pay for the privilege to play this great music.)
  3. The same restriction applies to the number of songs off of one Album.  (Again, due to copyright rules.)
  4. If you want the song dedicated to someone…it is at the discretion of the On Air DJ if they will do that or not.
  5. On the Contact Form, please enter your First Name, City or Area, Song Name and Artist.   We don’t need your last name or full address.  We want to protect your privacy.
  6. Please be aware that the DJ is under no obligation to play your request, and not all DJ’s or shows will accept requests.
  7. Please be civil.  Repetitive, abusive or harassing phone calls or E-Mails will not be tolerated and will be dealt with appropriately.

THANK YOU for Listening to Oldies 97.3 Radio,  FM 97.3 and on the web at daytonoldies.org.!